Thursday, October 22, 2009

Looking back...

Looking back on his helmet we get asked a lot about peoples reaction, how he handled it, etc. And the truth is there was no trauma at all. He noticed the band the first time they put it on, when he was 9 months old, he grabbed for it but did not cry. He was easily distracted by toys and forgot it was even there. The 1st time he had to sleep in it was in the car, it took a few minutes of fussing (which he tends to do anyway) to get comfortable and then he was out. He had no problems getting comfortable that night. By the end of the week if he saw his band off his head he tried to put it back on. So for those that think it may be traumatizing, does that sound traumatizing? Despite his sensitive skin he had no additional problems with the band either. Yes we got looks and questions, we were very lucky though and did not get negative comments at all. However I also did not care what people I didn't know, and would probably never see again, thought anyway. And even if I did, my son is the most important thing.

So here are some of the special pics to look back on, to see he is quite happy with his band.

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